Please call or send an email to the office and we will post you out an enrolment pack.
We advise you to put your child’s name on the waiting list so there is a place saved for you.
Session Times and Fees
The Toy Maker’s Cottage is open from 8am – 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.
We offer a range of options to suit children and your families, including morning or afternoon half day sessions, and a full day session.
Our preschool has small numbers with places for only 35 children.
Half day
At The Toy Maker’s Cottage Preschool we offer two sessions per day.
Morning session: 8am – 12pm
Afternoon session: 12pm – 4pm.
Full day
A full day session is from 8am – 4pm.
Fees for children 3-6 years
Half day contribution: $17 You can choose up to 5 sessions – morning or afternoon
Full day: $60

Fees for children aged 2 years
Half day: $37
Full day: $80
Enrolments + payments
The Toy Maker’s Cottage Preschool is part of the 20 hours scheme which provides increased funding for children 3 years and over.
Fees are to be paid by automatic payment, kept one week in advance and payments to be in our account on the Wednesday of the proceeding week.
WINZ subsidies are available for those who are eligible.
We require a minimum of two sessions per week.
If you have any questions regarding session times, fees, enrolments and payments please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us on Ph. 0220790381 or send us an email.